Wednesday, November 01, 2006


words can describe the level of irritation/sadness i am feeling right now. and to add to it, i keep forgetting i changed my blogger password. damn i havent gotten used to the new one.

bah. i shall go and immerse myself in the bloody and visceral world of warhammer 40000. (@koach, i admit, the story for the game is slightly erm, lame but the whole background is utterly awesome beyond all reckoning)
violent computer games are thereaputic. amidst all the chaos and madness, it is very much possible to be at peace.

damn it. you'd think there'd be enough people with sufficient intelligence to figure it out. besides, if i were dead serious about something, this blog wouldnt be a place to find out such things. *hint hint.

edit: damn i'm good when i'm pissed. after making an exceptional number of headshots and single handedly obliterating entire bases of necron and eldar origin i appear to have slaked my thirst for violence.
ooh. doesnt it sound nice when your speaker keeps blaring HEADSHOT! DOMINATING! MULTIKILL!
erm yea. where was i?

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